Information and knowledge play an important role in the decision-making processes and in the maintenance of know-how in all organizations. 80% of the information used by companies is carried by free-text documents stored within their internal network. The diversity and profusion of these document make very complex to access and analyze the information and knowledge contained inside them.
The tools developed at List allow to structure company data according to an ontology defined a priori and make possible an exploitation according to user needs. The analysis of free text data is performed using CEA LIST platform LIMA and the adaptation to a new domain and application is done using CLIMA.
The growing capacities of information technology have led to the emergence of Document Management System (DMS) processes that aim to organize and manage documents within an organization by implementing systems for acquisition, indexing, filing, storage, access and distribution. The Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools can be interfaced with a DMS solution in order to bring a data-mining component and thus extend the functionalities.

ANT’inno, our industrial partner for DMS/EDM